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Follow Jesus
Invite your neighbors
Train disciples

We enjoy life together with God, by following Jesus, inviting our neighbors, and training disciples, from Rockland to the ends of the earth.

Life with God is life under God and life for God. To follow Jesus is to put self in a position to be transformed by Jesus. To follow Jesus is the main activity of what the Bible calls a disciple.

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Therefore, we make disciples of Jesus who in turn make disciples of Jesus.

To help our neighbors follow Jesus is to love them, in Jesus' name. Our neighbors are the people God allows us to be near to, as we go through our daily lives, at home, work, school, the gym, movies, both in person and virtually.

Connexion is central to our life: connexion with God, connexion with followers of Jesus, connexion with others, connexion to give, to get, to bless; connexion to help people connect with both God and their neighbors; connexion in-person and virtual connexion, from Rockland to the ends of the earth.

©2023 by Connexion Rockland Church. 

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